Fund Accounting
Our Application “SuperNAV” is a comprehensive investment and fund accounting application designed for investment funds such as Collective Investment scheme/Alternate investment Funds/Fund of Funds, private equity firms, portfolio management services, venture capital, Fund administrators and Pension Funds etc.

Do you get reports from your GST Software in the formats you require?
SuperTax provides various value-added reports and also provides its Customers to structure its own custom reports on-the-fly, as required. This is not all, we have many other distinct features which sets us apart from other GST softwares.

Does your GST software provide you with the latest regulatory changes in the most efficient & automated manner, on time, allowing you flexibility of adopting an approach chosen by your organization?
For example, the recent changes of GSTR-3B. It is in SuperTax's DNA to provide latest changes with maximum efficiency with flexibility to choose from possible alternative approaches.

Do you struggle to fetch data from your team / different excel files for the purpose of audit or reply to notices?
In SuperTax, you can get all your data in just a few clicks, no matter when you have filed your returns.

Do you have to do "any" manual work to prepare or interface your data into GST Software?
If yes, then SuperTax is the right choice for you. SuperTax ensures its customers are not required to do any manual work to interface data into its software, no matter how complicated your data is.

Does your GST Software prepare all returns automatically?
If not, then SuperTax can help you. In SuperTax, you can configure hosts of rules representing your Company's policies and bang, your returns are automatically generated. Just review it and file it.

Are you satisfied with the Vendor Invoice Reconciliation process in your GST Software?
Does it help you define different rules for different document types, take automated actions, track amendments, track the shortage of claim till it is resolved by Vendors, send automated invoices to your vendors and have other advanced features? If not, it's time for you to switch over to SuperTax GST Software. SuperTax provides all such advanced features and much more to make your life easy.

End-to-End calculation of NAV

Automated Rebalancing and Recalculation of NAV Hassle-free calculation of withholding taxes, TDS Application of Dynamic & Custom Ratio

Multiple NAV Period calculation and reporting

Seamless calculation of various types of Management Fees, Carried Interest, Compensatory Compensation, Drawdown

Onboarding of Investors and Investor Portal

Automated Drawdown Process

Statement of Account & Capital Account Statement

Multi-currency, Multi Class & Multi Series Accounting options